Blockchain and carsharing are changing the image of the cities. How modern technologies are bringing the traffic into the 21st century.

Maciej Zieliński

31 Mar 2020
Blockchain and carsharing are changing the image of the cities. How modern technologies are bringing the traffic into the 21st century.

There is over a billion of cars in the world. We are basically in love with them, even though they have brought many issues. Unfortunately they can't be ignored anymore, we need to face them. Perhaps technologies such as blockchain will help us bring the balance to the streets or even reduce the carbon footprint the cars create.

With the growing urbanisation rate the topic of the increasing issue of traffic has kept returning. The citizens of huge urban sprawls are most probably familiarised with many hour long traffic jams which complicate their lives with huge delays. The experts agree that the problem lies in the amount of the cars owned by people. Because the majority of them utilises the fossil fuels, they also contribute towards the climate change and the environmental pollution. However, despite all of the red flags, it may be impossible to find an alternative in the closest future. That’s why, the solutions which offer a reformation to the existing systems are so important.

As far as the reduction of air pollution goes, many see hope in the electric drive. However its current price makes it inaccessible to most consumers. 

It’s worth asking a question, however, if the majority of people really need to have a car of their own.

High costs of purchasing a car or its long-term renting and the need of a costly maintenance can become absurd when in reality the vehicle is used sparsely 
For many people, the solution to this predicament might be the carsharing, a practice which has recently growing in popularity. 

Such a solution might definitely change the nature of our perception towards the cars. If we are using rentable cars in moderation, they are much cheaper and practical than the ones we own. The consumers use them only if they are necessary. They do not need to suffer the costs of maintenance and car parking fees. Carsharing can allow the traffic to be reduced, reducing the amount of parked cars and cars entering the city centre. Thanks to the services such as the 4mobility, more and more people can additionally choose the electric car which is by far a better choice for the environment.

The potential of carsharing was noticed by the McKinsey report which priced the value of the global market of shared economy at 54 trillion dollars in 2016. It also estimated that this value shall be growing by 30% per year until year 2030. It is to no surprise that this topic was fetched by the start-ups and the global companies alike.

Carsharing and blockchain

Despite the growing popularity, the carsharing procedures could definitely use some improvements. Revolutionary blockchain technology can help the potential of carsharing be truly realised.

Basing the platform on the decentralised blockchain network can help the companies at creating the transparent, potentially global systems. Thanks to the dispersion of databases between the users , the data stored within them such as the ratings of the renters or financing the very platforms, they can be regularly verified. This makes the service incredibly reliable and resistant to manipulations.

By using the smart contracts, the direct transactions between the parties could be carried out without the need of third parties, making the carsharing much more accessible.

On the other hand the cryptocurrency transactions, carried out by Derant for example, can free the users from the costs of conversion charges. Thanks to this the final price is only dependent on the conversion factor of the users’ bank. Thanks to that, the accessibility of the service can become global.

Siemens is thinking of blockchain

The usage of blockchain technology in carsharing has caught the attention of Siemens. The sister company of the German titan- siemens mobility is trying to explore its potential in the incoming years. Its goals include improving the processes of refuelling, parking or the delivery of the desired vehicle. 

Public transport

Carsharing is also a perfect solution for people who don’t use their car every day and use the public transport for commuting. It turns out that the blockchain technology can aid us here too.

Increasing the transparency

When car breaks down on the way to work, one person will be incapable of reaching their destination. However, if the bus breaks down, there will be around 50 people late to their work. The information about the condition of the vehicle he is taking is very important for the passenger. Both for his comfort and his safety.

Accidents with burning buses in Rome in 2017 show us the lethal effects of negligence of the public transportation. By making the data about their condition available in the blockchain network, it would be possible have an insight upon the status of the buses and other vehicles and allow for a quicker problem solving in that matter. 

Blockchain allows for registration of all the processes which are carried out by the bus – from its creation to all of its repairing. Thanks to the saving system in the library of blocks its easy to track the entire chain and to find the potential omits.

Such a system is resistant to manipulations – the data which was once saved on the blocks cannot be altered. Due to its decentralisation there is no supervision by the superior party. This means that in case of an emergency, no party could change or delete the information which would become detrimental to it. 

Ticket sales

Currently, the passenger is often forced to buy an additional ticket to travel from one city to another. Its very uncomfortable  and can bring additional costs.

Platforms such as Dovu have a chance to change this through the power of blockchain by allowing to pay for the tickets with the special tokens. Thanks to this the comfort of the passenger is increased because he can buy all of the tickets with the use of one app with one form of payment. 

Blockchain and the digitalisation of the documentation

To make the communal transport a worthy replacement of the private forms of transport, the infrastructure must be upgraded. However, with a greatly expanded infrastructure comes a greatly expanded documentation. The majority is kept in a paper form. On a global scale, the digitalisation of such data would bring a great conservation of paper. Thanks to that the Public transport would become even more ecological.

Due to many reasons, decentralised databases would be more optimal than the traditionally used centralised ones. First of all they are much more resistant to manipulation. Secondly, thanks to the dispersion of data it can be much more resistant to destruction. When the data is stored in many places, it can be restored easily when one of the databases is lost.

Range of benefits

The following examples show us how the human mobility can be change with the usage of the blockchain technology. Creating tokens, outsourcing the services of blockchain like Nextrope did with the Value and the Alior Bank, can help us change the way we perceive the means of transportation. They can reduce the costs and positively benefit the environment. They can also increase the comfort of the passengers. They help at improving of the working conditions of Taxi drivers. They build new, more beneficial models of the car traffic and the public transport. Blockchain brings a new perspective and a fresh start for many of the ideas existing in the context of  means of transportation.

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Different Token Release Schedules

Kajetan Olas

15 Mar 2024
Different Token Release Schedules

As simple as it may sound, the decision on the release schedule of tokens is anything but that. It's a strategic choice that can have significant consequences. A well-thought-out token release schedule can prevent market flooding, encourage steady growth, and foster trust in the project. Conversely, a poorly designed schedule may lead to rapid devaluation or loss of investor confidence.

In this article, we will explore the various token release schedules that blockchain projects may adopt. Each type comes with its own set of characteristics, challenges, and strategic benefits. From the straightforwardness of linear schedules to the incentive-driven dynamic releases, understanding these mechanisms is crucial for all crypto founders.

Linear Token Release Schedule

The linear token release schedule is perhaps the most straightforward approach to token distribution. As the name suggests, tokens are released at a constant rate over a specified period until all tokens are fully vested. This approach is favored for its simplicity and ease of understanding, which can be an attractive feature for investors and project teams alike.


  • Predictability: The linear model provides a clear and predictable schedule that stakeholders can rely on. This transparency is often appreciated as it removes any uncertainty regarding when tokens will be available.
  • Implementation Simplicity: With no complex rules or conditions, a linear release schedule is relatively easy to implement and manage. It avoids the need for intricate smart contract programming or ongoing adjustments.
  • Neutral Incentives: There is no explicit incentive for early investment or late participation. Each stakeholder is treated equally, regardless of when they enter the project. This can be perceived as a fair distribution method, as it does not disproportionately reward any particular group.


  • Capital Dilution Risk: Since tokens are released continuously at the same rate, there's a potential risk that the influx of new tokens into the market could dilute the value, particularly if demand doesn't keep pace with the supply.
  • Attracting Continuous Capital Inflow: A linear schedule may face challenges in attracting new investors over time. Without the incentive of increasing rewards or scarcity over time, sustaining investor interest solely based on project performance can be a test of the project's inherent value and market demand.
  • Neutral Impact on Project Commitment: The lack of timing-based incentives means that commitment to the project may not be influenced by the release schedule. The focus is instead placed on the project's progress and delivery on its roadmap.

In summary, a linear token release schedule offers a no-frills, equal-footing approach to token distribution. While its simplicity is a strength, it can also be a limitation, lacking the strategic incentives that other models offer. In the next sections, we will compare this to other, more dynamic schedules that aim to provide additional strategic advantages.

Growing Token Release Schedule

A growing token release schedule turns the dial up on token distribution as time progresses. This schedule is designed to increase the number of tokens released to the market or to stakeholders with each passing period. This approach can often be associated with incentivizing the sustained growth of the project by rewarding long-term holders.


  • Incentivized Patience: A growing token release schedule encourages stakeholders to remain invested in the project for longer periods, as the reward increases over time. This can be particularly appealing to long-term investors who are looking to maximize their gains.
  • Community Reaction: Such a schedule may draw criticism from those who prefer immediate, high rewards and may be viewed as unfairly penalizing early adopters who receive fewer tokens compared to those who join later. The challenge is to balance the narrative to maintain community support.
  • Delayed Advantage: There is a delayed gratification aspect to this schedule. Early investors might not see an immediate substantial benefit, but they are part of a strategy that aims to increase value over time, aligning with the project’s growth.


  • Sustained Capital Inflow: By offering higher rewards later, a project can potentially sustain and even increase its capital inflow as the project matures. This can be especially useful in supporting long-term development and operational goals.
  • Potential for Late-Stage Interest: As the reward for holding tokens grows over time, it may attract new investors down the line, drawn by the prospect of higher yields. This can help to maintain a steady interest in the project throughout its lifecycle.
  • Balancing Perception and Reality: Managing the community's expectations is vital. The notion that early participants are at a disadvantage must be addressed through clear communication about the long-term vision and benefits.

In contrast to a linear schedule, a growing token release schedule adds a strategic twist that favors the longevity of stakeholder engagement. It's a model that can create a solid foundation for future growth but requires careful communication and management to keep stakeholders satisfied. Up next, we will look at the shrinking token release schedule, which applies an opposite approach to distribution.

Shrinking Token Release Schedule

The shrinking token release schedule is characterized by a decrease in the number of tokens released as time goes on. This type of schedule is intended to create a sense of urgency and reward early participants with higher initial payouts.


  • Early Bird Incentives: The shrinking schedule is crafted to reward the earliest adopters the most, offering them a larger share of tokens initially. This creates a compelling case for getting involved early in the project's lifecycle.
  • Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): This approach capitalizes on the FOMO effect, incentivizing potential investors to buy in early to maximize their rewards before the release rate decreases.
  • Decreased Inflation Over Time: As fewer tokens are released into circulation later on, the potential inflationary pressure on the token's value is reduced. This can be an attractive feature for investors concerned about long-term value erosion.


  • Stimulating Early Adoption: By offering more tokens earlier, projects may see a surge in initial capital inflow, providing the necessary funds to kickstart development and fuel early-stage growth.
  • Risk of Decreased Late-Stage Incentives: As the reward diminishes over time, there's a risk that new investors may be less inclined to participate, potentially impacting the project's ability to attract capital in its later stages.
  • Market Perception and Price Dynamics: The market must understand that the shrinking release rate is a deliberate strategy to encourage early investment and sustain the token's value over time. However, this can lead to challenges in maintaining interest as the release rate slows, requiring additional value propositions.

A shrinking token release schedule offers an interesting dynamic for projects seeking to capitalize on early market excitement. While it can generate significant early support, the challenge lies in maintaining momentum as the reward potential decreases. This necessitates a robust project foundation and continued delivery of milestones to retain stakeholder interest.

Dynamic Token Release Schedule

A dynamic token release schedule represents a flexible and adaptive approach to token distribution. Unlike static models, this schedule can adjust the rate of token release based on specific criteria. Example criteria are: project’s milestones, market conditions, or the behavior of token holders. This responsiveness is designed to offer a balanced strategy that can react to the project's needs in real-time.


  • Adaptability: The most significant advantage of a dynamic schedule is its ability to adapt to changing circumstances. This can include varying the release rate to match market demand, project development stages, or other critical factors.
  • Risk Management: By adjusting the flow of tokens in response to market conditions, a dynamic schedule can help mitigate certain risks. For example: inflation, token price volatility, and the impact of market manipulation.
  • Stakeholder Alignment: This schedule can be structured to align incentives with the project's goals. This means rewarding behaviors that contribute to project's longevity, such as holding tokens for certain periods or participating in governance.


  • Balancing Supply and Demand: A dynamic token release can fine-tune the supply to match demand, aiming to stabilize the token price. This can be particularly effective in avoiding the boom-and-bust cycles that plague many cryptocurrency projects.
  • Investor Engagement: The flexibility of a dynamic schedule keeps investors engaged, as the potential for reward can change in line with project milestones and success markers, maintaining a sense of involvement and investment in the project’s progression.
  • Complexity and Communication: The intricate nature of a dynamic schedule requires clear and transparent communication with stakeholders to ensure understanding of the system. The complexity also demands robust technical implementation to execute the varying release strategies effectively.

Dynamic token release schedule is a sophisticated tool that, when used judiciously, offers great flexibility in navigating unpredictable crypto markets. It requires a careful balance of anticipation, reaction, and communication but also gives opportunity to foster project’s growth.


A linear token release schedule is the epitome of simplicity and fairness, offering a steady and predictable path. The growing schedule promotes long-term investment and project loyalty, potentially leading to sustained growth. In contrast, the shrinking schedule seeks to capitalize on the enthusiasm of early adopters, fostering a vibrant initial ecosystem. Lastly, the dynamic schedule stands out for its intelligent adaptability, aiming to strike a balance between various stakeholder interests and market forces.

The choice of token release schedule should not be made in isolation; it must consider the project's goals, the nature of its community, the volatility of the market, and the overarching vision of the creators.


What are the different token release schedules?

  • Linear, growing, shrinking, and dynamic schedules.

How does a linear token release schedule work?

  • Releases tokens at a constant rate over a specified period.

What is the goal of a shrinking token release schedule?

  • Rewards early adopters with more tokens and decreases over time.

Token Distribution Models

Kajetan Olas

15 Mar 2024
Token Distribution Models

The landscape of blockchain and cryptocurrency is continually evolving, marked by the relentless pursuit of models that not only enhance network security and decentralization but also deepen user engagement and ownership. At the heart of this evolution lies the concept of token distribution, a pivotal strategy that can transform users from passive participants into active stakeholders and owners within digital ecosystems. Token distribution is not merely about allocating digital assets; it's about creating a framework where each token serves as a beacon of ownership, rights, and incentives, aligning the interests of users with the long-term success of the platform.

As we delve into the world of token distribution, we find ourselves tracing the path of its evolution. From the foundational Proof of Work mechanisms, to the speculative fervor of ICOs, and onto the community-centric airdrops. Each era has brought with it lessons, challenges, and a deeper understanding of what it means to distribute ownership.

New trend

However, the journey has not been without its pitfalls. Many strategies, while successful in bootstrapping networks and attracting initial interest, have struggled to foster genuine user engagement or have inadvertently encouraged speculative behaviors that detract from the project's core value proposition. It's within this context that we explore the concept of "Progressive Ownership"—a model that aims to refine the token distribution process into a more nuanced, loyalty-driven approach that rewards true product-market fit and user commitment.

The Evolution of Token Distribution Models

The concept of token distribution has undergone significant transformation since the inception of blockchain technology. Each era has introduced new mechanisms for distributing tokens and lowering barriers to entry, while also revealing unique challenges. Let’s explore these pivotal stages in the evolution of token distribution models.

Proof of Work (2009–present): The Dawn of Hardware Formation

The journey began with Bitcoin, which introduced the world to the Proof of Work (PoW) model. This approach allowed anyone with computational resources to participate in network security operations, known as "mining," in exchange for tokens. This mechanism not only secured the network but also democratized access to token ownership. However, as the sector matured, mining became increasingly professionalized, requiring significant investments in specialized hardware. This shift heightened the barriers to entry, gradually sidelining the average user and emphasizing the need for substantial upfront investment. This altered the initial egalitarian vision.

ICOs (2014–2018): The Era of Capital Formation

Following the PoW era, the cryptocurrency space witnessed the rise of Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs). This period came with a new model where projects could raise capital by selling tokens directly to the public. This approach theoretically democratized investment opportunities, allowing projects to reach a broader audience beyond traditional venture capital avenues. Ethereum's ICO in 2014 stood as a landmark event, inspiring a wave of similar endeavors. However, the ICO craze also attracted numerous fraudulent schemes, leading to a regulatory crackdown and a reevaluation of this model,

Airdrops (2020–present): Bootstrapping Usage through Community Engagement

In response to the pitfalls of ICOs, the industry shifted towards a more user-centric model: airdrops. This approach involved distributing tokens freely to existing communities or users based on their engagement or historical usage. In principle this fosters a sense of ownership and participation without a direct financial investment. The era of airdrops, particularly during the "DeFi Summer" of 2020, sought to catalyze network usage and decentralization. However, the emphasis on broad, indiscriminate distribution often attracted short-term speculators rather than committed users. This complicates efforts to achieve sustained growth and genuine community development.

Reflections on the Evolution

Each era of token distribution has contributed to the blockchain landscape's growth, expanding access and participation in unique ways. From the hardware-intensive commitments of PoW, through the speculative enthusiasm of ICOs, to the community-focused aspirations of airdrops. The evolution of token distribution models reflects the cryptocurrency sector's dynamics to balance inclusivity, security, and sustainable development. Yet, as we've learned, each model comes with its set of challenges, highlighting the need for continuous innovation. New token distribution strategies come up to foster genuine user ownership and engagement in the ever-evolving digital ecosystem.

Progressive Ownership: A New Frontier

Amidst the evolution of token distribution models, with each era bringing its blend of innovation and challenge, the concept of "Progressive Ownership" emerges. This is a transformative approach aimed at realigning the incentives of blockchain applications and their users. This novel framework represents a significant pivot from previous models, focusing on nurturing genuine user engagement.

Foundation of Progressive Ownership

Progressive ownership stands on the idea that tokens should be distributed to users progressively for their contributions to the network. This model asserts that achieving product-market fit remains paramount and that token distribution should complement, not precede this fit.

In the realm of progressive ownership, tokens become a means to deepen users' commitment to an application. They transform active users into stakeholders with a vested interest in the platform's success. This approach aims to move beyond the shortcomings of indiscriminate airdrops and speculative ICOs. It proposes a more sustainable method of community building.

Key Principles and Advantages

  • Incremental Engagement: Progressive ownership advocates for rewarding users in stages, reflecting their growing engagement and value to the ecosystem. This method encourages long-term participation and deters speculative behavior by closely aligning token incentives with genuine user activity and contributions.
  • Opt-in Ownership: Central to this model is the concept of opt-in ownership, where users have the choice to convert their earned incentives or revenue shares into tokens representing a more profound stake in the project. This voluntary transition from user to owner ensures that tokens are held by those most aligned with the project's long-term vision and success.

Implementing Progressive Ownership

Successful implementation of progressive ownership requires careful planning and a deep understanding of user behavior and incentives. Projects must first establish a clear value proposition and product-market fit, creating an ecosystem where users’ contributions are quantifiable and rewardable. Following this, a transparent and accessible mechanism for transitioning users from passive beneficiaries of revenue share to active token holders must be established, ensuring clarity around the benefits and responsibilities of ownership. 

Example Implementation - Project Catalyst

Project Catalyst is a Cardano-based initiative. It’s a decentralized funding mechanism that invites community members to propose projects, which are then voted on by ADA holders. Successful proposals receive funding in ADA, with over $79 million allocated to fund more than 1600 projects by March 2024. This process not only democratizes innovation within the Cardano ecosystem but also aligns with the principles of progressive ownership by giving token holders a vested interest in the network's growth and success. Through Project Catalyst, Cardano effectively engages its community in governance and decision-making, fostering a deeper sense of ownership and participation among ADA holders.


By aligning token incentives with genuine user engagement projects can pave the way for more sustainable development. Such an approach not only deepens user loyalty and retention but also fosters a more vibrant, participatory community. This is the groundwork for the next generation of Champions that will spread the knowledge about your platform.

If you're looking for ways to foster the adoption of your DeFi project, please reach out to Our team is ready to help you create a strategy that will grow your user base and ensure long-term growth.


How to go about designing token distribution in practice?

  • It's a good idea to take inspiration from projects similar to yours, which succeded in terms of fostering progressive ownership.

Are airdrops effective?

  • Yes. Despite all their shortcomings, if implemented correctly airdrops can do great for marketing purposes for relatively low cost.

Why is fostering an ownership-based culture important?

  • Because if your users feel like they partially own the project, then they will contribute to the development process, and share that project with all their friends.